Before becoming an author I was a graphic designer, illustrator, art director, and web developer at digital ad agencies across the United States.
This allowed me an easier transition into the world of indie and self-publishing. I’m fully aware that most new authors become overwhelmed with the sheet amount of technical aspects required to pursue publishing.
Here you’ll find resources I’ve created for workshops I’ve taught at conventions and for libraries. These are all free to you! My only requirement is to not redistribute or monetize this information without permission.
Choosing A Path to Publishing
Getting your book written is only the beginning. When you start looking at how to get your book to readers, the ins-and-outs of the very different paths to publishing can feel daunting to wrap your head around.
This PDF will introduce you to the basics of different publishing paths (traditional, indie, self-published, and hybrid) and cover some questions to ask yourself.
The Ins & Outs of Self-Publishing
So you’ve written a book and you’re asking yourself: what next? This PDF walks you through some steps to get your manuscript polished through the different editing stages, how to choose which channels to publish through, how to find a cover artist or make your own, ways to format your book for publishing, and give you the rundown about the dreaded “m” word: marketing.