Want to get in touch? Enter your information into the form below, or find Rue Sparks on social media.
Sign up for the Sparks Newsletter
My newsletter is the best way to keep up to date with publishing updates, events, and the addition of resources. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Newsletter will be sent quarterly, and when new publication dates are announced.
Will You Review My Book?
I will take a look at your book information and see if it’s a good fit. Because I am a creator with chronic illness, there are often times when I cannot agree to review books or commit to reading ARCs. (Note: I DO NOT review books that include sexual assault. I make no exceptions to this rule.)
Do You Do Blog/Social Media Tours?
Not at this time. As of 2024, I am taking the year to focus on writing and am not doing a lot of marketing content or events. I may resume blogging and social media tours in 2025.
I saw the covers you’ve done for other authors. Will you make me a book cover?
I am taking a break from commissions for 2024 due to illness. If you need help editing an existing cover in photoshop or would like advice on creating your cover or other resources, use my contact form to see if it’s within my current capabilities.
I’m just starting out as an author and I have publishing questions. Are you open to consultation?
I am restricting how many one-on-one consultations I do at any given moment, but you can send me your information via email and I’ll see if it’s a good fit. If I cannot help you myself, I will reach out to other creators I know and see what resources I can send you as well.
Do you charge for consultation?
I do not charge anything for consultations related to publishing and the technical problems involved. I know how hard it can be for especially marginalized creators to get started in publishing, and try to provide as much help as I can without paywalls.
Please note that me not charging does not negate the monetary value of these types of consultations. I do this for free not because it shouldn’t cost money, but because I am privileged enough at this point in my life to offer it for free. Please do not contact other authors and creators asking for free consultations—they deserve compensation for their time.
Can I share and/or publish the PDFs from your resource page on my blog/website?
You are allowed to share content from my resources and advocacy section if you meet two criteria:
- Credit me and link to my site
- You may not monetize it in any way