ARC Reader Application

Submit to be an ARC Reader

Use this form to submit to be an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) reader and reviewer. I have a soft deadline of two months past the time I send files for readers to post their review on a minimum of one website, including but not limited to Goodreads, Storygraph, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Amazon.

eBook ARC copies are available for:

Audiobook ARC copies are available for:

What is an ARC Reader?

An ARC Reader is someone who in exchange for a free copy of a book agrees to leave an honest review of said book after completion.

What if I sign up and can’t get it read on time?

I understand that things come up! Get to it when you can, and if you can’t, it’s not the end of the world. I get that sometimes life gets in the way despite our best intentions.

Can I share my ARC copy?

Please do not share files of my ebook or audiobook ARCs. If someone would like to review the ARC on their own, they should submit a form under their own name. It is quite likely I will approve their request.

ARC Reader Application

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Non-legal names are okay!
Which book(s) are you requesting an ARC of?
I agree to leave an honest review of the book I am requesting an ARC of. If I cannot complete the review, I will do my best to notify Rue Sparks, but am not required to give an explanation.
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